
Insider Thought Trading by Jim Bars

We have all had our share of trials and troubles, and we've all had to wade through them to get to dry land because this is common to man. It began the day Eve was tempted and gave to Adam the forbidden fruit to eat. Insider Thought Trading is a step-by-step of overcoming adversity.

Jim Bars had a huge mountain to climb to get out of his particular valley of the shadow of death. Of course, just like many of us, he arrived in that valley because of some terrible choices he made.

This is a thought provoking, dedicated study of how he finally looked up into the eyes of Jesus who lifted him from that valley. It wasn't easy, and his quest for wholeness didn't happen overnight. Jim Bars has logged in thousands of hours in research and study of psychology, philosophy, the Bible, and neural-science. This book is the product of his research and personal experiences.

Here you have a step-by-step guide into mental health and body wellness/fitness and quite interestingly Jim spells it -- WHOLENESS. He points out we cannot be whole without Jesus for it is He who makes us complete. You will recognize mental pitfalls that Jim points out because we've all fallen into them. Your mind and thought processes wage a war every day.

What you take away from this book is the "goal is to find joy in the Lord everyday!" How can that happen if you program your thoughts into that negative rut? Why would anyone want a relationship with God if it wasn't filled with joy? What marvelous questions! We Christians need this reminder just as the lost need to know it. When you redecorate your mind with Jesus instead of all the worldly stuff,  you are trading your negatives for positives; but your daily battles become harder because Satan hates for a person to have a great relationship with God. When you re-wallpaper your mind with Christ, you are freeing Him to reign in your heart and mind wherein lies great strength for relinquishing Satan and him minions.

Give this book, along with the companion workbook, to every lost person you know. Give it to your loved one who is struggling with defeatist thinking. They will see how to overcome life's most trying troubles through the greater strength of Jesus Himself.

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