Review Submissions

I accept almost any genre, both fiction and non-fiction books to review. I do have a couple of restrictions such as:

I prefer books that have a faith thread running through them, although that is not absolute.

I do not accept for review books that have F-bombs in abundance, or that have narrative or characters that take God's name in vein at any time. I can tolerate a few curse words, but frankly I think it is lazy writing when an author resorts to foul language to show a character's depravity. I truly appreciate creativity!

Gore just for the sake of gore is boring to me.

I don't have any more space in my book shelves or space on my walls for more book shelves, so I prefer ebooks.

When I review books, I put my reviews on this blog, on Goodreads, and each posts immediately  posts to Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. If you require a review on Amazon, then let me know when you ask me to review.

When you submit your ebook for review, IF you do not have your book listed on Goodreads (btw, I strongly encourage you to add your book to Goodreads), I need you to send me a jpg of your book cover, the back cover blurb, and if you like, you can add your author bio.

Please enter your review request in the contact form on the right side.

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