Love Has A Face by Michelle Perry

Sacred Waiting by David Timms

Waiting--the Key to Joy, Peace, and Abundance
No one likes to wait. Our irritation level rises in checkout lines, train stations, restaurants, and doctors' offices. We don't have time to waste. But Scripture constantly speaks of waiting: "Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their
strength" (Isaiah 40:31).
The good news is that waiting on God is much more than watching the clock. Waiting plays a vital role in our spiritual formation as we draw closer to the Lord and respond to His leading. Challenging believers to rediscover this lost spiritual discipline, pastor and Bible professor David Timms reveals the hidden treasures of waiting on God--the peace and joy of being with Him.
The heroes of the faith all waited on God. And just like Abraham, Moses, and David, you'll find that your best moments arise from God's timing, not your own. Every covenant God made came at the end of a season of waiting. God's rewards wait for you when you learn to practice Sacred Waiting.
It's Not About Him by Michelle Sutton
That was probably the most aggravating thing... the chick kept whining and thinking she's got to do all this alone. Which, in actuality, is what most of all women think. We've become so feminist that we abhor appearing weak or needy or reaching out for those close to us.
It's a good effort and one that I would recommend to every young girl. We should absolutely explore all possibilities. We should never assume we are always safe because we are not. Consequences will happen. Einstein taught us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Stands to reason that we must suffer the consequences of our actions. This is what Sutton explores in this novel, and she's done a really good job.

She lives in Arizona with her husband of nineteen years and her two teenaged sons. Michelle is also the author of It's Not about Me (2008) and It's Not About Him (Sheaf House 2009). She has nine other titles releasing over the next three years.

Jeff feels guilty that Susie was taken advantage of at his party and offers to marry her so she won’t have to give up her baby, like his birth mother did with him. But Susie refuses, insisting he should he marry someone he loves. Can he convince her that his love is genuine before it’s too late? Can she make him understand that it’s not about him—it’s about what’s best for her child?
If you would like to read the prologue and first chapter of It's Not About Him, go HERE
The Carousel Painter by Judith Miller

Judith Miller, in her novel The Carousel Painter does go into the history of carousel wood working and painting, she also tells us that the exotic animals are very rare because of the costs involved.
But, what I found most interesting was how she explored the prejudice against women in the work place… especially the man’s work place. How hard it was for women back a century ago or even longer ago than that. History talks a lot about women who had plenty of money before they married but their husbands took over and left them destitute because once a woman married, all the money landed in the husband’s hands. That doesn't happen to Carrington Brouwer in this novel by Judith Miller. Nonetheless, the history in this effort is accurate.
This was a very well developed story. It got a little Soap Opera-like in the middle when the reader begins to thing “What else bad can happen?” Then the story coalesces into a rather neat mystery and is very enjoyable thereafter. It is written in the first person and very well done. There are lots of excellent observations that are very believable. Delicious villains, a cranky hero, a very warm hearted boarding house keeper who is a very bad cook, a most level-headed and quite charming protagonist all mix together in a happy recipe for fun reading.
Carrington Brouwer’s father is a fabulous painter in France, but passes away before becoming really famous. She has two of his paintings and off she goes to America to live with one of her father’s students until she can find work. Little did she know that her friend’s mother is extremely social conscious with little regard for a starving friend of her daughter’s. Fortunately, her friend’s father owns a carousel factory and, since she has all of her father’s talent and then some, she asks him for a job. An unlikely ally, her friend’s mother, pushes the issue and Carrington settles in to paint carousel horses. Then a very expensive necklace of the mother goes missing. Carrington must find the culprit, help save her friend from the clutches of a scoundrel, win, if not the affections, the respect of her co-workers, and fall in love with the very cranky carousel factory manager—all while trying to survive on terrible food.
This is a great, fast-paced story. I’ll be looking for more from Judith Miller!
That Certain Spark by Cathy Marie Hake

Dawn's Prelude by Tracy Peterson
I have loved most of her stories. They give great snapshots into Christian life, no matter which century the stories are set. Yet, this one is sadly flat. Frankly, I think Peterson should take a break for about 6 months and go live again. Shake the computer bytes out of her system and restart her engine with some refreshing adventure. Maybe try a different venue, or different genre, because the gal can write, make no mistake about that.
I want to be able to trust a Tracy Peterson novel. I want to be able to buy the things without having to read the back cover and decide if it's the kind of story for me... and without having to read the first 10-15 pages to see how she writes. Of course it's challenging. How can anyone write more than 80 novels and have every single one of them a fresh story? Well... Barbara Cartland didn't seem to have too much trouble, but even her well went a tad dry now and again. That is when Barbara changed centuries, changed continents, and it seemed to work. Agatha Christie did very well. Of course back in those days, an author had to really write. Today, it seems that a write merely needs to have some semblance of a story and they get published. That is NOT Tracy Peterson, but if she doesn't watch out, she'll lose her readers because once the trust is lost, it is rare to earn it back.

Ephesians 1:18 has become a cornerstone verse for a new non-fiction book she's been working on -- its also become a cornerstone in her life. The verse reads, "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints."
Tracie and her family live in Belgrade, Montana.

Lydia, longing to put the memories of her painful marriage behind her, determines to travel to Alaska to join her aunt. Lydia's arrival in Sitka, however, brings two things she didn't expect.
One is the acquaintance of Kjell Bjorklund, the handsome owner of the sawmill. Second is the discovery that she is pregnant with her dead husband's child. What will this mean for her budding relationship with Kjell? And what lengths will her stepchildren go to reclaim their father's fortune? Lydia soon finds her life--and that of her child's--on the line.
If you would like to read the first chapter of Dawn's Prelude, go HERE