The book starts out really good. It's attention-keeping so you keep turning those pages. You would think that's the main thing, right?
Well, I believe that an author should do deep research when writing in a different period than modern day. An author should immerse in the language of the day, the customs of the day, and make the reader step into that world... and stay there until the last page is read. Sleiman does an okay job with this technique, but...
Modernisms keep creeping into the story line. Not necessarily in language, but more in mindsets. The freedoms that we Americans and others of the free world take for granted are just that--taken for granted. So much so that we don't even realize how the feminist movement, the freedoms from slavery, the educations we have will bleed into anything we write. An author needs to peel off all that, and step into the mindset of the period he or she is writing about. I strongly suggest all authors who want to write about times gone by read the book A Cast of Stones to see how this is done.
Setting that aside because that kind of thing may not bother you like it does me, I do recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good Christian-values read. It has enough plot twists to keep the pages turning.
4 of 5 stars
Timothy Grey plans to earn a title by capturing "Lady" Merry and her band of orphan thieves. But will he carry out his mission when he meets their dauntless leader face to face?