molehills instead of mountains... she helps you see that God is mightier than any problem or trouble. This is a great book of inspiration. I highly recommend it to anyone who realizes her own strength is not enough to overcome life's challenges.
From the first page to the last, Patsy makes you laugh and cry and realize that life is always full of bumps and pitfalls, but God overcomes them all.
While suffering agoraphobia, Patsy just wanted to make it to her neighborhood grocery store and safely home again. Instead, for the past 35 years she has been speaking to millions of women (and men) offering the encouraging message of this book. In You Are More Than You Know, Patsy answers the question she is most often asked — how she overcame her fears. Patsy’s trademark humor spills out along the way as she helps readers face their own fears such as: personal safety; rejection; health issues; the unknown; pain; etc.