My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was a joy to read. I know quite a lot about 1st Century Roman culture and this is very authentic. No missteps, and what a joy, no modernisms. Yea!
Even though no modernisms, the dialogue and narrative are understandable, no Greek syntax. (Read an authentic translation of The Odyssey and you'll understand what I mean.)
Not only are the characters well developed, but they actually grow in maturity. That's very hard to do when writing. Most authors tend to develop characters with one voice and the character stays there. Here Tessa Afshar allows the first person voice to mature from teenage to full woman, to learn what is truly important in life. Also Justice (one of the MCs) has the maturity to hold back until the young girl matures. Great development plot point.
The plot is simple and complicated at the same time. There are numerous things going on, and quite a tangle that is unwoven in surprising ways. This is not a predictable romance. And the motives of the characters are as varied as the characters. Some surprising revelations happen.
I was enthralled.
No hash rehash of angst.
No character stepping out of character or being forced. Each flowed naturally on the page.
The pace is fairly fast, although there are some motives/actions of one or two characters that don't ring quite true, but I'll let you figure that out yourself.
Good reading. Wonderful faith truths woven through out. I recognized Dionysius the Aeropagite was a real person in 1st Century. I recognized the name, but Dionysius was a common name. Not until Ariadne found out her brother had been invited to become a Aeropagite did I know it was really him. Then I thought Justice might be the Christian Justice that helped Paul--not in this book though, although it still could be him.
[spoiler alert] I liked the way Paul healed the papa (forgotten his name). It was miraculous, but not walk on water miraculous. That fits so well into how some healings happened--Paul left Trophimus sick in Miletus. No explanation, just a sentence in Ephesians.
Five of five stars. A worthy read
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