My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Robin Caroll does a pretty good job of depicting New Orleans the way I know it. Daughter lives there with hubby who grew up there. The novel captures the flavors and people fairly well.
From the first page, I was captivated with the premise and story line. However, the romance part of it whines through the whole book. You know right off who is mooning over whom. But they just make cow eyes at each other without really noticing. I found that very irritating. It is very similar to the hash rehash that a lot of authors do when characters are trying to make a decision about something. You keep covering the same ground with them and it moves forward at the pace of glaciers, and about as interesting as watching ice melt.
However, the mystery is very good, and extremely intriguing. Well done, Robin, well done.
Got this book from Netgalley, and this is my honest review about the book.
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