
Powder and Patch by Georgette Heyer

This delightful novel was published in 1923 under the name Stella Martin. It was re-issued by Heinemann in 1930 and renamed Powder and Patch, and with the original final chapter deleted (ref: PWGH p25),

US Publisher:  Dutton, New York, 1968

I just wonder what was in that last chapter!

Cleonie loves Philip. Philip loves Cleonie, in fact he has eyes for no other woman. But, enter a distasteful fop who has all the airs and la-dee-das of the most worldly of gentlemen, and Philip shows badly against him because Philip loves the land, and his horses, and all the earthy things with no care at all for clothes or which colors go best together or what silver waist coat would do or not do with a peach-colored coat. Alas, Philip is nothing but a country clod and Cleonie says she won't marry him unless he's polished.

Off goes Philip to Paris to become a changed man. He becomes the darling of the ton, a fashionable diamond rather than the diamond in the rough. What should have taken more than a year, he accomplishes in six months, but Cleonie hears of a duel and speculation that Philip was dueling over a French miss and it fills her bosom with flames of jealousy. Why oh why did she send Philip away to become Phillippe?

The comedy of Georgette Heyer, the original situation comedic genius, is dry and subtle but that does not dull the chuckles and laughing out loud. Note: do not read this in the doctor's office because everyone wants to know what you are laughing about!

I was quite enthralled with this offering. I know you will, too. Savor it because when the last page is turned, you'll miss Cleone and Philip.

Five of Five Stars!

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