
My Soul to Keep

Melanie Wells has a huge amount of experience under her belt with counseling degrees up the wazoo. But, what I'm most impressed about is her ability to build a story. My Soul To Keep Although, I got really tired of this Peter fellow. I felt like I'd missed out on the real story and stepped into the middle of one. That is not a pleasant feeling when you are reading a book. And, big duh! It is the third in the Dylan Foster series.

It is very humorous in places and gave me a feeling of getting to know someone that I truly would have loved to sit down and drink a cup of coffee with (or iced tea). What I'd like to do even more is to teach Dylan what it means to be a Christian. There is nothing miraculous about quoting Scripture, there is a lot for her to learn about reverence and awe and what it actually means to pray. I do have a problem with this author's cavalier usage of Christianity and then selling this as a Christian book.

For an author to make a reader care about a character takes considerable talent and an understanding of the craft. To draw the reader in and keep her reading in spite of the missing parts of the story (ie: coming into the middle instead of beginning at the beginning) takes considerable talent as well.

I give it 2 stars. It's a good story, characters seem believable, but it is not a stand alone and should never be sold as one. There isn't enough about what happened earlier to be able to feel comfortable in the read.

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